Teller Report

State Department: US will continue to pressure Iran to change its policy

9/4/2019, 7:50:30 PM

The United States will continue to exert maximum sanction pressure on Iran in order to ensure Tehran’s return to the negotiation process and change the country's policy, the US Department of State said.

"As history shows, (toughening sanctions. - RT ), Iran is returning to negotiations ... What we really need to see is a change in Iran’s behavior," TASS quoted US Special Envoy for Iran Brian Hook as briefing.

The State Department emphasized that Washington intends to strengthen sanctions against Tehran.

“More sanctions will be imposed soon. We don’t know how to explain even more clearly that we are committed to this campaign to exert maximum pressure (on Iran. - RT ) and we are not trying to provide any exceptions, ”the diplomat noted.

However, he said that US President Donald Trump is ready for negotiations with Iran.

"The president wants to agree on a new and better deal ... He is very open to a number of options," Hook added.

Earlier, the US Treasury Department expanded sanctions against the Iranian transportation network, oil tankers, as well as 16 legal entities and 10 individuals, including citizens of Iran, India, the United Arab Emirates and Lebanon.

September 3, Washington imposed sanctions against the Iranian Space Agency.