Teller Report

Pension reform: Édouard Philippe receives unions and employers in Matignon

9/4/2019, 9:53:07 PM

It's gone, or rather it's gone for pension reform. Syndicates and employers are received this Thursday, September 5 and Friday, September 6 in Matignon by Prime Minister Édouard Philippe, accompanied by the Minister of Solidarity Agnès Buzyn and the ...

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Two protests against the pension reform are already planned by the end of September. REUTERS / Robert Pratta

It is gone, or rather it is left for the pension reform. Unions and employers are received this Thursday, 5 and Friday, September 6 in Matignon by Prime Minister Philippe Edouard, accompanied by the Minister of Solidarity Agnès Buzyn and the High Commissioner for pension reform Jean-Paul Delevoye, two days after his entry official government. And this almost two years after the beginning of its consultations with the social partners on this reform of at-risk pensions. Risks that the government, with this new stage of consultation, hopes to limit.

The goal is to prove his good intentions. Accused of authoritarianism on the reform of the SNCF or that of the civil service, with "parodies of negotiations" regularly denounced by all unions, Emmanuel Macron now wants, in his own words, "to embody a change of method. "

After exchanges that have already lasted more than a year and a half between the unions and the High Commissioner for pension reform, this is a more formal phase of negotiations that opens Thursday.

Jean-Paul Delevoye has already presented his proposals in July, and President Macron has already shown that they were not engraved in the plate, expressing last week his preference for taking into account the period of contribution and not for a pivotal age at the time of retirement.

Whatever, the goal remains the same: to make the French work longer. And make the system more readable and fair by merging the current 42 systems into one universal plan.

The Prime Minister is to present this Thursday to the unions the method of negotiations to come, which must last "several months" and include a "citizen consultation".