Teller Report

Over a hundred cases of fraud against the elderly are being investigated in the region

9/4/2019, 6:26:02 PM

In the eastern police region, hundreds of fraud cases are ongoing. People claim to call from different companies and deceive bank details via telephone.

According to police, since Sunday, four cases of fraud have been filed in which people have allegedly called from the Swish banking service and subsequently had the victims victims transfer money over their phone.

As late as Tuesday evening, a woman in her 80s from Eskilstuna warned that a man managed to cheat several hundred thousand kronor from her account.

Preliminary Investigator Dennis Johansson, police co-ordination officer, says he has hundreds of ongoing fraud cases in the Eastern Police Region, which includes Sörmland. The worst affected are older people.

Claims to be from companies

The almost one hundred cases are not just about people who claim to call from Swish, but also from banks or other well-known companies.

- You call and say that money is being drawn and that you should be kind and help stop the payment. Then you ask the person to log in with their Bank ID or bank box, says Dennis Johansson.

How to avoid being fooled?

- You should always ask to call, there are official numbers you can call. Then you should never make any handles until you know you are talking to an official person, says Dennis Johansson.