Teller Report

Lowered tax for the county residents - The Center Party wants longer

9/4/2019, 5:23:07 PM

Residents of Jämtland County will receive tax reductions at year-end. This is after a settlement between the Center Party and the government. And there were obviously satisfied Center representatives who invited to a press conference on Wednesday.

Center Parties Per Åsling, Member of Parliament and Bosse Svensson, Municipal Council in Östersund found it difficult to hide the joy of being able to present part of the Center's budget negotiations with the government. A whole new tax reduction is introduced for the entire county.

- Everyone in the county who pays tax receives a reduction of SEK 1650 per year, says Bosse Svensson (C) to SVT Nyheter Jämtland.

The Center has made the settlement with the government and it entails a tax reduction of SEK 137 per month for living in support areas A and B, and this applies from the turn of the year. But the Center wants to reach further.

- This is only a first step, says Per Åsling (C), MP. The goal is a tax reduction of just over SEK 300.