Teller Report

Hurricane Dorian heads to Florida, after devastating the Bahamas

9/4/2019, 5:56:07 PM

Relief workers were busy Wednesday to evacuate the wounded and search the missing in the islands of the Bahamas devastated by Hurricane Dorian, whose effects begin to be felt on the coast ...

Downgraded to category 2, Hurricane Dorian is still carrying very strong winds. The cyclone was slowly moving towards the United States on Wednesday, September 4, after ravaging the Bahamas and causing the deaths of seven people, according to a latest assessment that should increase. Relief workers continue to work to evacuate the wounded and search for the missing.

The destruction was catastrophic in the Caribbean archipelago, where houses were sprayed by the violence of the winds. Dorian has been downgraded to category 2 but continues to carry winds at 165 km / h. It is currently moving parallel to the northeastern coast of Florida, according to meteorologists.

It must get closer "dangerously close" to Florida by Wednesday night and then run from Thursday to Friday morning the Southeast Coast and the States of Georgia, South Carolina and North Carolina. Even if, according to projections, the eye of the hurricane should not touch the ground.

The American National Hurricane Center (NHC), based in Miami, warned against the rising waters in these areas, speaking of a potentially extremely dangerous situation. Several parts of the southeastern coast of the United States, where millions of people live, have been placed under a state of emergency. Mandatory evacuation orders have been issued in several areas.

Here's the latest #Dorian storm surge forecast from this morning. The water could reach the following heights above the earth where the peak is high. For more details see

National Hurricane Center (@NHC_Atlantic) September 4, 2019

The devastated Bahamas

In the Bahamas, according to aerial images of the island of Grand Abaco, hundreds of houses have seen their roofs fly, cars were flooded, boats were crumbling.

The US coastguard sent helicopters to the archipelago to evacuate the sick. The British navy was also involved in the effort.

The runways at the Freeport International Airport remained underwater, complicating relief. Grand Bahama and the Abaco Islands, on which Dorian fought hard before resuming his destructive course, remained largely cut off from the world.

Donald Trump monitors the situation

US President Donald Trump announced on Tuesday night that he has declared a state of emergency in North Carolina to release funds in a preventive manner, "hoping not to need it".

Donald Trump also warned the population to remain cautious. "The United States may have some luck with Hurricane Dorian, but please do not give up, and as it heads to the coast, a lot of bad and unpredictable things can happen. ! ", he tweeted, stressing that" the Bahamas have been devastated ".

The US may be a little bit lucky with respect to Hurricane Dorian, but please do not let down your guard. As it heads up the coast, lots of very bad and unpredictable things can happen! On the other hand, the Bahamas have been devastated. We are sending crews to help!

Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) September 3, 2019

According to the Pentagon, 5,000 members of the National Guard and 2,700 soldiers are ready.

The two states in Carolina have the highest risk of flooding, according to the NHC, with waves of 1.2 to more than 2 meters high expected in places.

While waiting for Dorian, Florida residents, accustomed to hurricanes, showed solidarity with the neighboring Bahamas. Calls for donations multiplied and several churches organized collections in the Coconut Grove neighborhood, birthplace of the Bahamian community in Miami.

With AFP

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