Teller Report

Gathering against “Without Agreement” Meeting in front of the British Parliament | NHK News

9/4/2019, 11:26:07 PM

While the ruling and opposition parties are struggling to leave the EU = European Union in the British Parliament, the EU remains on the 4th in the square in front of the Parliament ...

Meeting against “Leaving without agreement” 8:22 on September 5 at the square in front of the British Parliament

While the ruling and opposition parties are struggling over the withdrawal from the European Union in the British Parliament House of Representatives, on the 4th in the square in front of the Parliament, people who support the EU reunion gathered to oppose "no withdrawal without agreement" I raised my voice.

At the rally, members of the largest opposition Labor Party and members of the ruling and conservative parties who were expelled from Prime Minister Johnson spoke at the stage and complained that `` disengagement without agreement should not bring about real loss to the country '' It was.

In addition, the people who gathered demanded the resignation of Prime Minister Johnson with a placard such as “opposite to leave without agreement” or “Prime Minister Johnson is a dictator”.

A man in his 60s said, “Politics like the prime minister do n’t understand the impact of what they ’re doing. He criticized that he was pushing for “no agreement”.

A woman who lives in London said, “I want to tell Johnson to stop breaking the UK. Congress wants Prime Minister Johnson to be unable to“ leave without agreement ”,” and expects Congress to deliberately. It was.

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