Teller Report

Dachau honored the memory of Soviet soldiers executed 75 years ago

9/4/2019, 5:14:07 PM

In the south of Germany, mourning events took place in the memorial complex on the site of the former Dachau concentration camp in connection with the 75th anniversary of the execution of 92 soldiers of the Red Army.

This was announced by the head of the Alexander Pechersky Foundation Ilya Vasiliev.

He said that the soldiers shot in 1944 were members of the camp resistance, which was part of the Brotherhood of Prisoners of War (BSV) organization.

The headquarters of the organization created during the war years a network of cells in more than 20 camps and established contacts with the anti-fascist German Popular Front in southern Germany. Members of the union planned to organize revolts in all camps around Munich and take control of the city, but the Gestapo was discovered. All BSV leaders and many ranks of organization members were executed on September 4.

“There is a phenomenon of resistance in concentration camps, which for various reasons has not been adequately reflected in conventional knowledge. In fact, we are talking about thousands of people who organized resistance in different concentration camps, conducted underground work, saved their comrades, ”TASS quoted him as saying.

Participants in the mourning ceremony laid wreaths at the crematorium, where Red Army soldiers were executed.

The initiative group of the Alexander Pechersky Foundation is the organizer of the series of projects “Unconquered. Resistance in the fascist concentration camps. "

Earlier, a particle of the Eternal Flame from Moscow was brought to Slovenia.