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Carlota Prado, from GH, talks about his alleged violation in Telecinco's 'reality': "I don't understand how the program allowed it"

9/4/2019, 7:20:13 PM

Carlota Prado, contestant of Big Brother Revolution, has talked about the alleged violation he suffered during the reality show. Two years after passing through the house of Guadalix,


Carlota Prado, during the contest. Instagram

"In the images you can see that he takes advantage of me in the room and that I am unconscious," he says

The Civil Guard investigates a possible sexual abuse in the house of Big Brother

Carlota Prado , contestant of Big Brother Revolution, has talked about the alleged violation he suffered during the reality show . Two years after passing through the house of Guadalix, the young woman has talked about what happened in an interview at El Confidencial

During the program he met another of the contestants, José María López, who became his partner. Carlota accuses her of having raped her after a party where they consumed alcohol and she ended up unconscious. "In the images you can see that he takes advantage of me in the room and that I am unconscious. I cannot explain how the program allowed it," he said.

After the party, José María López was expelled disciplinarily for "intolerable behavior" and she also temporarily left the house.

The GH contestant has explained that they barely had food and that is why the effects of alcohol were greater. "I felt bad," he confessed. In some images recovered by a spectator, it is seen that he tries to take her clothes off while they are on the sofa and she tries to prevent him. Then he took her to the room where he allegedly abused her.

Carlota did not remember what happened but the direction of the program put the video the next day in the confessional . "The images last almost 10 minutes and you can see that he takes advantage of me in the room and that I am unconscious," he says in the interview.

Carlota and José María, in the house of 'Big Brother'.

"The program allowed it"

"I can't explain how the program allowed it. This happens at half past one in the morning and nobody broke in," he adds to El Confidencial . "Each room in the house had hatches through which the program team could enter urgently," he says.

The contestant says they put the video without telling him what he was going to see. "I should have been a person by my side , a psychologist or someone to help me face such hard images. They never asked me if I wanted to see that ... If you ask me, I would have said no," he says. .

Both left the house and she did not report at that time , but he was responsible for the program. Carlota ended up sued José María López and the case is now in court . "The Provincial Court of Madrid has just dismissed three appeals filed for the defense of the accused," said the young woman, who does not know when the trial will be held. "Almost two years ago of all this ...", he complains.

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