Teller Report

Cédric Villani, if Paris were counted on me

9/4/2019, 6:29:07 PM

The mathematician and MP for the 5th constituency of Essonne announced his candidacy for the mayor of Paris, Wednesday, September 4.

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Cedric Villani, at the announcement of his candidacy for mayor of Paris, September 4, 2019. Christophe ARCHAMBAULT / AFP

The mathematician and MP for the 5th constituency of Essonne announced his candidacy for the mayor of Paris, Wednesday, September 4.

New look, the internationally recognized mathematician, holder of the Field Medal in 2010, had already chosen Paris for his first steps on the public stage. It was during his unabashed support for Anne Hidalgo's campaign in 2014. A first step in politics.

Without wasting time and considering neither right, nor left, nor center, he nevertheless went through the Modem before joining the presidential campaign of Emmanuel Macron in 2017 on the same credo.

Elected deputy of Essonne in the parliamentary elections with 69.36% of the votes cast, he made a campaign on his favorite theme, which he will later defend in the National Assembly, " restore confidence in politics ." He is in charge by Édouard Philippe to intervene during the examination of the draft law for the trust of public life on August 3, 2017.

Subsequently, he had few opportunities to make his voice heard in the hemicycle. Member of the Committee on Laws, he is a regular MP with 379 interventions in committee, which makes him one of the most active on this criterion, focusing on issues as different as Balance in the sector agricultural and food, the protection of personal data or controlled immigration, effective right of asylum and successful integration. In charge of a mission on artificial intelligence in 2017, he produced a report in January 2018 on the teaching of mathematics in primary and secondary schools. He also regularly stays in Villers-Le-Bâcle in Essonne, where he has been living since 2009 with his wife and two children.

Arts and letters, his education

Cédric Villani was born in Brive-la-Gaillarde (Corrèze) in 1975 into a family of intellectuals, parents of teachers of letters, relatives, professor of philosophy, poet or musician. It is perhaps from here that comes its taste for the eccentricity that pierces in its romantic-gothic look, wearing for a long time the same uniform: long hair, three-piece suit, silky lava and protruding spider-pin at the buttonhole.

He is more discreet about wearing his distinctions (Knight of the National Order of Merit in 2009 and the Legion of Honor in 2011). It reappears in this return, literally transformed; cut hair, fresh cut beard, white shirt and black vest. In short a style "good student", which is not without evoking that it was long. Course without fault, gifted high school student, he gets his baccalaureate with 18 of average before integrating, after the preparatory classes, the Normal School Superior of the street of Ulm from 1992 to 1996.

Aged at 21, he was appointed professor at the ENS Lyon while being invited several times at the universities of Atlanta (Georgia) or Berkeley (California). It takes its first steps in the 21st century in a rain of French and international honors until the Fields Medal of Mathematics, equivalent of the Nobel Prize in this discipline. Passionate about his subject, he wrote several theoretical works before dedicating himself to the popularization of mathematics in all its forms, books, debates, documentaries, broadcasts. His last venture before entering politics was to head the Institut Poincaré, the oldest research institution in the physical and mathematical sciences, one of his arguments to demonstrate that he has his feet on the ground.

An application that leaves nothing to chance

As mentioned on his website, this campaign is very "calculated". In January 2019 he launched a consultation modestly entitled "Paris & me". Unhappy candidate for the inauguration of the Republic on the march for the mayor of Paris, the movement having preferred Benjamin Griveaux, he is now positioned as one that could create a surprise in 2020.

To do this, he focuses on its originality and a pedigree formed outside the circle of professionals in politics. Working hard not to upset anyone, he was careful to declare two days before the official announcement of his candidacy that " his decision was in no way an act of defiance " vis-à-vis the action of the majority. However, it is clear that he is looking for alliances on the Modem side.

According to L'Opinion , he would have "taken language" in July 2019 with Marielle de Sarnez before seeing " all-Paris green progressive " to create " the conditions for a gathering " around his person and contrast with the more restricted spectrum of the candidate invested by LREM. The Cross evokes the same strategy by mentioning the many similarities that it would seek to establish, from the center to the disappointed of the Socialist Party, such as the ex-PS, Gaspard Gantzer, also candidate for the Parisian municipal. More than six months into the vote, with the determination that earned him his career as a scientist, Cédric Villani advance his pawns and counts his points.