Teller Report

Weather forecast for tomorrow

9/2/2019, 5:02:00 PM

The National Meteorological Center predicted that the weather tomorrow will be partly cloudy, sometimes humid at night and morning after tomorrow with the possibility of fog or light fog, especially on the western regions, and the wind is light to moderate speed in general.

The National Center for Meteorology expected that the weather tomorrow will be partly cloudy, sometimes humid at night and morning after tomorrow with the possibility of fog or light fog, especially on the western regions, and the wind is light to moderate speed in general.

Wind movement Southeasterly - Northwesterly / 16-26 km / h in general, sometimes up to 36 km / h.

The Arabian Gulf is mild to the average wave .. The first tide occurs at 16:10 at 04:13 and the first islands at 09:37 and the second at 02:22.

The Oman Sea is mild to moderate, with the first tide occurring at 19:12, the second tide at 14:01 and the first tide at 18:48 and the second at 06:57.