Teller Report

There are no more red lines. Nasrallah promises Israel a new phase

9/2/2019, 7:41:12 PM

Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah said the confrontation along the border with Israel was over but launched a new phase with no longer red lines. .

Nasrallah said in a speech broadcast on Hezbollah television that Hezbollah will now focus on targeting Israeli drones that penetrate Lebanese airspace, and that "it is in the hands of the field," stressing that "allowing Israel to violate our sovereignty is over."

He added that Hezbollah was responding to Israeli violations inside the occupied Shebaa Farms, but today it responds through the 1948 borders, which Israel considers a red line, pointing out that the party has moved in response to Tel Aviv from responding in "occupied Lebanese territory to occupied Palestinian land". He stressed that all Israeli soldiers on the border and in the depth "will be in the circle of targeting and retaliation."

The moral battle
In his speech, Hassan Nasrallah focused on the moral and psychological aspect of the war with Israel, saying that a major part of the party's battle with the occupation was moral and "therefore we told the Israelis to wait for us," referring to Hezbollah's response to Israeli fighter jets targeting Hezbollah positions near the capital Damascus. Two days ago, two Israeli jets flew over the southern suburbs of Beirut, the party's main stronghold.

He pointed out that the Israeli army evacuated its positions and barracks along the border with Lebanon since Hezbollah vowed to respond to the two attacks, and declared a state of alert and readiness at all levels in the northern areas. And worried. "

Regarding Hezbollah's targeting of the Israeli armored vehicle, Nasrallah said that his party's decision to respond to Israel in the daytime caused the delay in carrying out the operation, saying that "the greatest thing in our military operation was that it was accomplished despite all the Israeli threats of a harsh response."