Teller Report

Lawyer Sobol headed to the police department because of reports of her detention

9/2/2019, 9:23:00 PM

The lawyer of the unregistered candidate for elections to the Moscow City Duma, Lyubov Sobol, Ivan Sustin, said that he was going to the department of internal affairs in order to clarify the situation amid reports of her detention. It is reported by RIA Novosti.

It is clarified that the press secretary Alexandra Lukyanenko announced the detention of Sable.

“Now I’m heading to the police department, when I get there, I can clarify the situation, whether she was detained or not,” the lawyer said, adding that he does not have official data.

Sustin added that Sable is not in touch, so he could not talk to her.

In early August, a court in Moscow fined Lyubov Sobol 300 thousand rubles for repeated violation of the rules of the rally.