Teller Report

Famous perfume company provokes anger and controversy with "Kalima"

9/2/2019, 2:32:06 AM

Dior, the famous French company, has deleted an ad for its latest fragrance product because of its name, depicting it in a way that offends indigenous people in the United States. The actor Johnny Depp plays the role of a Red Indian man in fashion

Dior, the famous French company, has deleted an advertisement for its latest perfume products because of its name, depicting it in a way that offends indigenous people in the United States.

The new fragrance, launched by Dior, is called Sauvage, meaning "wild". The actor Johnny Depp acts as a Red Indian man with his old traditional costumes during the promotion of the fragrance, making the advertisement critical of many.

Critics say the word "barbaric" is a derogatory term used historically to describe the Native American people who have been exterminated for decades.

The company deleted the ad from its online platforms a few hours after it was published last Friday after being criticized by social media users.

But the criticism of the French company and the American actor Johnny Depp did not stop. Many deplored his participation in a declaration that they considered "racist" towards Native Americans.