Teller Report

Advisers to the Norman Four leaders meet in Berlin

9/2/2019, 9:56:18 PM

Advisers to the leaders of Russia, Ukraine, Germany and France completed the negotiations held in Berlin. About this in his Twitter wrote the Ukrainian ambassador to Germany Andrei Melnik.

“It’s already midnight in Kiev, and negotiations in Norman format have just ended in Berlin,” he said.

According to him, the Foreign Minister of Ukraine Vadim Priestayko will tell reporters about the results achieved.

Kivin’s pivnich’s past, and in Berlin’s nicely completed the changes in the Normandy format: pershіt, hto know how to get the results vіd Minіstra overseas reference Vadim Pristayka - as soon as possible, our journal. Dyakumo for your patience)

- Andrij Melnyk (@MelnykAndrij) September 2, 2019

Russia at the meeting of advisers to the heads of the "Norman Four" was represented by the assistant to the Russian president Vladislav Surkov.

From Kiev, the meeting was attended by Ukrainian Foreign Minister and Presidential Aide Andriy Yermak.