Teller Report

US LGBT discrimination demonstration march skirmish with protesters | NHK News

9/1/2019, 7:29:00 PM

In the eastern United States, LGBT = people who have a discriminatory idea of ​​sexual minority perform a march, and a skirmish with those who protest ...

US LGBT discrimination march March 2, 4:26 on skirmish with protesters

In the eastern United States, LGBT = people who have discriminatory thoughts on sexual minorities performed a march, a skirmish with those protesting, and over 30 people were arrested .

On the 31st in Boston, eastern United States, hundreds of people who had a discriminatory idea for LGBT performed a march with a placard stating, "It's great not to be gay".

Among the participants, people with banners that supported the re-election of President Trump in the US presidential election next year stood out.

The host of the demonstration march was criticized for being an activist with extreme right thinking and a white supremacist.

On the other hand, along the roadside, people who appealed for the improvement of LGBT rights held protests against the demonstration march, and blamed them with a placard stating “Stop hate march”.

Then, while repeatedly accusing each other, skirmishes such as throwing things to each other occurred, 9 people were transferred to the hospital, and 34 people were arrested.

A woman who called for a protest against the march was `` I think that Mr. Trump became a president gave me the authority to openly speak such remarks by white supremacists. '' He expressed his concern that President Trump's aggressive behavior intensified his radical thoughts.

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