Teller Report

The "two mandarins" of Llull and the renewed strength after his ordeal

9/1/2019, 12:20:17 AM

The proper name of the debut of the national team in the troubled World Cup was finally Sergio Llull. Although the "oooooohs!" Of admiration were for Ricky's mischief and

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The proper name of the debut of the national team in the troubled World Cup was finally Sergio Llull . Although the "oooooohs!" Of admiration were for the mischief of Ricky and Marc Gasol, of course, the alpha male on the track of Guangzhou Gymnasium. But that Llull broke the unusual part of Tunisia in the second quarter and then finally burst the match in the third, is a reason for illusion. A great reason.

Everyone is clear that Marc and Ricky are the pillars, that the Hernangómez brothers who have the great pressure on their shoulders to take a (great) step forward and that Rudy and Llull, for seniority, for gallons and for history, are the other Two legs of the bank. That a full-fledged Llull, in that version before the knee injury in which Europe absolutely dominated, would bring another point of view for Spain when facing the tournament. On Saturday, before Tunisia, a warning to navigators: four triples of six attempts (16 points) and five assists .

And the great sensations. «It is not easy, not [recover]. It is a very bad injury. Not only for the physical but for the mental. But if something has Sergi they are two tangerines with which to throw forward . And he is doing it, ”commented Ricky, half of his accomplices in the locker room with a half smile, referring to the impossible triple classics of the Balearic Islands, but also to the arrests with which he faced the very serious injury and his subsequent recovery.

"On a personal level I have been shitty for two years," he confessed, after winning the ACB in the Palau. Because since that fateful August 9, 2017 in La Laguna, Llull is still looking. «The injury was a trick and he is recovering with confidence. With our two triples we have taken off, ”Rubio continued.

And every time it seems closer to meet. In the national team, where he always waited for a round tournament of him - «I have always played a more defensive role», he has confessed these days-, Scariolo has found him accommodation as leader of the second unit. It is usually the relay of Ricky in the base post, although he is being seen better accompanying El Masnou or Colom. That is, escort. "We had already seen it during the preparation," confessed the coach on the success of Llull, who stood out against the US with 11 points and six assists, to put the long teeth back to his NBA suitors. «Then he had a flu at the Ningbó tournament, but he wanted to play because he needs a rhythm of competition. But we had seen that Sergi is on the right track. On both sides of the field. The important thing is that push in defense and attack. Don't go down, ”he asked.

The desire of Spain is not lacking. Since that debut in 2009, when he won the position after a powerful preparation in which he advanced on the right to the favorite Saul Blanco, Llull only lost due to force majeure the 2017 Eurobasket. Without going to the Windows and with the summer Last free of tournament, the Madrid player returned with fire this 2019. He took a breath after the infinite season in which he conquered the League, traveled to California for Pau Gasol's wedding and also, as always, went through his Menorca with his little girl Olivia A necessary break from which now seems to return with determination.

According to the criteria of The Trust Project

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  • Tunisia
  • Sergio Llull
  • Pau Gasol
  • Rudy Fernandez
  • Sergio Scariolo
  • Eurobasket
  • Spain
  • Europe
  • Marc Gasol
  • basketball
  • ACB League
  • Basketball World Cup 2019
  • Spanish Basketball Team
  • sports

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