Teller Report

PHOTO - In Paris, the collective #NousToutes denounces "the 100th feminicide" of the year

9/1/2019, 6:14:11 PM

The activists brandished signs dedicated to each of the victims, after the discovery of the lifeless body of a woman whose companion was arrested. & Nbsp;

The activists brandished signs dedicated to each of the victims, after the discovery of the lifeless body of a woman whose companion was arrested.

One hundred activists of the collective #NousToutes gathered Sunday evening place of the Trocadéro in Paris to denounce "the 100th feminicide of the year", whereas opens Tuesday the "Grenelle" intended to fight against the domestic violence, found an AFP journalist.

"To radically reduce all sexual and sexual violence"

Brandishing panels dedicated to each of the victims, the demonstrators paid tribute to the women killed by taking turns calling out their names: "Céline, Sarah, Maguy, Clothilde, Eliane, Euphémie ..." before sticking the placards on the ground . "We want a billion, not a million," the protesters in unison, in reference to their recurring demand: "We need a billion euros to fight effectively against domestic violence is three times and half less than what cost each year "this violence, assured the AFP Anaïs Leleux, the collective #NousToutes.

The government must urgently put in place the necessary means. 1milliardpas1million # # # feminicide / uK3G5Sf3Fi

- Dare feminism! (@osefeminism) September 1, 2019

"If France decided today it could roll back in a radical way all the sexist and sexual violence hidden by feminicides," said for its part to AFP Caroline De Haas, another member of #WeAll, ensuring that "many feminicides could have been prevented if there had been no malfunctions".

Grenelle already denounced by associations

Sunday morning, the militant group "Feminicides by companion or ex" has identified a 100th feminicide in France since January 1, after the discovery of the dead body of a woman under a pile of rubbish in Cagnes-sur-Mer, France. Alpes-Maritimes.

On the night of Friday to Saturday, the police of Cagnes-sur-Mer had received a call to announce a "dispute marital" taking place in a street of the district where the body was discovered. "It is unknown for now if there is a link between the two," said a police source told AFP. "It is a feminicide probably conjugal that we choose to publish conditional", for its part affirmed the collective "Femicide by companion or ex" who keeps a count of feminicides in the media on the internet.

For the year 2018, the Ministry of the Interior had identified 121 feminicides. Tuesday will open to Matignon a "Grenelle of domestic violence" highly anticipated by the associations invited but already conspired by feminist activists uninvited, denouncing a communication operation.

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