Teller Report

Johnson, off the radar

9/1/2019, 12:21:43 AM

The left prone to sentimentality and simplification has the magnificent ability to format at will the mental frames and colonize agendas. However, this prov

The left prone to sentimentality and simplification has the magnificent ability to format at will the mental frames and colonize agendas. However, this profitable virtuosity becomes defective when, proclaimed its moral superiority, it faces the monsters it has contributed to create; bumps into the facts and their own constructions and contradictions. His navigation notebook lacks answers to the consequences not foreseen in his dogma .

Delivered to the staging, the sentimental left - the term of Professor FĂ©lix Ovejero - does not resist the contrast with reality and incurs nonsense and absurdity. Ultimately, he resorts to the palette. For example, it glorifies, commercializes and uses a 16-year-old girl who stands as a full representative of a cause while treating the British prime minister as a sapphire and skunk. It turns Greta Thunberg into an icon of environmental defense and fights Boris Johnson as if it were a mercachifle, based on apocalyptic whining and without daring to challenge the root cause.

It was those who were outraged with liberal democracy who first attacked institutions and specifically parliaments. It was the distinguished British sociologist Colin Crouch who anticipated emerging populism and assured in Postdemocracy that the representative model was at the mercy of an elite insensitive to the people's wishes. The kidnapping of democracy meant for postmarxism the most sophisticated way of corruption. The debt and financial crisis gave him wings.

Johnson has used a procedural argument to provoke and corner Europe and the opposition, reduce his room for maneuver and grant him a minimum of extra time in case he also needs it. We have already experienced the suspension of Parliament in Catalonia, a national-populist laboratory, in the face of the withdrawal of Europe. It all begins when the virtues of a people struck by a repressive apparatus are exalted. Johnson is not a slap ; Unlike. He knows where he is going - to elections - and what he can. Knock down the Tory creed - which fears the unknown - tenses institutions and causes more confusion, agitation and confusion. He is aware that a Brexit without agreement is unfeasible. It takes over an impossible popular mandate. His flaws are no more because they seem conservative but for what they suppose. Corbyn was the indignant organic, he was under the sentimental radar. Johnson is out of control.

According to the criteria of The Trust Project

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  • Boris johnson
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