Teller Report

Blanca Fernández Ochoa had planned to go to Asturias to rest in a rural house

9/1/2019, 10:16:59 AM

The former skier Blanca Fernández Ochoa disappeared last August 23, was theoretically going to spend a few days off at a family home in Asturias, according to family sources.

  • Profile.Blanca Fernández Ochoa, predestined to be a champion

The former skier Blanca Fernández Ochoa disappeared last August 23, was theoretically going to spend a few days off at a family home in Asturias, according to family sources. Blanca left her dog at her sister Lola's house, with whom she currently lived, and left in her black Mercedes without ever reaching her destination.

Yesterday, her friend Coral Bistuer entered the program on the 'Saturday Deluxe' by calling and asking for help from anyone who had seen the former skier. Bistuer confessed that he had been "noticing" Blanca for a few weeks and that in one of his last conversations he confessed that "he was going through the worst slalom" of his life.

Several sources speak of a complicated economic position , on the one hand, and a fragile mental stability , on the other. The economic issue is substantiated, always according to these sources, in the request for help he made in some sports circles a few months ago. The mental issue, to which researchers pay special attention, refers to the fact that it was not going through a good time . In fact, in recent months he had declined to attend some events.

The police consider that it is a disappearance of "high risk" , since since August 23 there is no sign of your mobile phone, or movement on your credit cards.

At 8:31 pm on Saturday, the National Police published the following text on its Twitter account: "MAXIMUM DISSEMINATION. Blanca Fernández Ochoa has disappeared in Aravaca #Madrid. Last seen on 08/23/19. Travel in Mercedes class A black. 0213CKD. The car wears a t-shirt with the Canadian flag on the driver's seat. If you have information: 608367251 or 091 ".

Thus, his disappearance was made public and the request for citizen help and collaboration began to be able to find it.

According to the criteria of The Trust Project

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