Teller Report

Zelensky proposed depriving deputies of the mandate for absenteeism in Parliament

8/30/2019, 6:10:59 PM

Ukrainian leader Vladimir Zelensky proposed depriving deputies of the Verkhovna Rada for absenteeism. The corresponding draft law has been submitted by Parliament.

The initiative also proposes to revoke the mandate for "non-personal voting" in the Rada.

“The powers of a deputy are terminated if ... the court establishes the fact of non-personal voting ... that is, a vote by a people's deputy of Ukraine instead of another deputy of Ukraine or by an opportunity for a deputy of Ukraine to vote another deputy of Ukraine instead,” the explanatory note says.

It is also proposed to deprive deputies of the mandate for “absence without good reason in one-third of the plenary sessions” of the parliament and / or meetings of the parliamentary committee of which it is a member during one regular session.

Earlier, the party "Servant of the People" announced plans to make changes that would deprive deputies of the mandate for 50% of passes of working time in the Rada.

On August 29, Zelensky submitted to the Rada a draft law on reducing the number of deputies in parliament.