Teller Report

Join the list of detained journalists .. Egyptian authorities imprison a television presenter

8/30/2019, 7:47:04 PM

The Public Prosecution in Egypt ordered the imprisonment of the Egyptian TV presenter and mediator Medhat Issa for four days pending investigations.

According to a member of the Egyptian Journalists Syndicate Council, Amr Badr, the journalist was arrested from his home last Tuesday. Badr said that it was not clear the nature of the charges against the Egyptian media, on which the Public Prosecution took a decision to imprison him for four days.

In early February 2017, Issa was banned from appearing on the local Channel 4 television, citing his criticism of Egypt's political situation through his Facebook account.

Issa was previously arrested in December 2011 while covering a housing lot in the Suez governorate building in the presence of the commander of the Third Army field.

In that incident, Issa was denied entry to cover the events of the lot, which prompted him to cheer the fall of the military council - the then ruler - in front of the governorate building, to be held inside an army armored vehicle.

He presented on Channel TV programs "Stories of the Stranger", "Swaiseh", as well as the news bulletin.

According to the Arab Observatory for Media Freedom (an independent human rights organization), the Egyptian authorities have detained more than 85 journalists, including Al-Jazeera colleague Mahmoud Hussein, who has been detained without trial for nearly three years.