Teller Report

Greenland MP urges Trump to consider buying an island

8/30/2019, 7:59:04 PM

Greenland MP from the centrist Nalerac party, Pele Broberg, called for consideration of the proposal by US leader Donald Trump to acquire the island from Denmark, Ekstra Bladet reports.

“The United States is ready to support our economy with injections of 4 billion (Danish kronor. - RT ) annually. Now our population is first faced with a choice. We have a real alternative to Danish subsidies, ”the deputy said.

He noted that "Greenland is actually being defended by the United States, not Denmark."

“They (USA. - RT ) will be able to continue to do this after our independence. And for the permission to maintain (military. - RT ) bases in Greenland, they will support us with four billion crowns, ”Broberg emphasized.

However, he admitted that the United States will be unhappy with the presence of China in Greenland.

“Of course, there will be requirements. We, for example, know that they do not want a Chinese presence in Greenland in key areas. This will come up during possible negotiations, ”the parliamentarian said.

Nevertheless, according to the politician, first of all, it is necessary to understand what the people of Greenland need.

Earlier, Danish Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen said she did not support Trump's idea of ​​buying Greenland.

In mid-August, Trump said he was interested in buying Greenland from a strategic point of view.

State Duma deputy Dmitry Novikov in an interview with the FAN expressed the opinion that many American voters will like Trump’s desire to realize US national interests and can positively affect his rating.