Teller Report

Count at work for shared program

8/30/2019, 5:44:21 PM

19.34 "After concluding the consultations with all the parliamentary groups of the Chamber and Senate, the President of the Council appointed Giuseppe Conte met a delegation of the 5 Star Movement, composed of Francesco D'Uva and Stefano Patuanelli and a delegation of the Pd composed by Dario Franceschini and Andrea Orlando. In the meeting a working path was outlined to allow the President in charge to elaborate a program shared by both political forces ". Palazzo Chigi makes it known.


30 August 201919.34 "After concluding the consultations with all the parliamentary groups of the Chamber and the Senate, the President of the Council appointed Giuseppe Conte met a delegation of the 5 Star Movement, composed of Francesco D'Uva and Stefano Patuanelli and a delegation of the PD composed of Dario Franceschini and Andrea Orlando. The meeting outlined a work path to allow the President in charge to draw up a program shared by both political forces ". Palazzo Chigi makes it known.

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