Teller Report

The soap opera does not end in La Rioja: Andreu chooses a different counselor than the one we had appointed

8/29/2019, 7:44:04 PM

The only deputy of Podemos La Rioja, Raquel Romero, is the Minister of Participation, Human Rights and Cooperation in the Riojan government of coalition led by the Socialist

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The only deputy of Podemos La Rioja, Raquel Romero , is the Minister of Participation, Human Rights and Cooperation in the Riojan Government of coalition led by the socialist Concha Andreu , which further divides her regional government partner.

Andreu, who took office on Thursday, announced the composition and structure of his Government, formed by PSOE and Podemos-Equo, with the external support of IU, which is joint and in which the purple formation occupies one of The nine councils.

On August 24, the Technical Team of Podemos La Rioja , the governing body of the purple party in this region, appointed as secretary to the secretary of the Municipal Group of United Podemos in Logroño , Nazareth Martin , but last night he communicated that it resigned to form part of the regional government "unable to reconcile their personal, family and work life."

The Technical Team, in an extraordinary meeting held one hour before Andreu took office, proposed Amalia Revuelta , official of the Regional Government's Ministry of Finance, as an advisor on behalf of Podemos, which should be ratified by the new President of the Rioja Executive.

However, Romero said, after the act of taking office, that she did not give validity to that meeting of the Technical Team and that she had called “knowingly” that she could not attend. Finally, the new regional president announced that in her government will be Raquel Romero, and obviated the election by the purple address of Amalia Revuelta.

"Designate the regional government," Raquel Romero had said on Thursday morning, "is a power of Concha Andreu" and "I understand that it will live up to the circumstances."

For his part, the former secretary general of Podemos La Rioja and member of the Technical Team, Francisco Garrido, pointed out that "if Romero had wanted", he could have participated in the meeting of the Technical Team, in which "there was quorum to make decisions". Romero had indicated in recent days that she has never indicated that she did not want to be a counselor, which is something that has been considered since We could have held talks with the PSOE for the formation of the Government.

According to the criteria of The Trust Project

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  • PSOE
  • The Rioja
  • IU
  • Equo
  • Andalusia Elections
  • Politics

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