Teller Report

The next shoot of Beijing Express in Mongolia stopped

8/29/2019, 5:16:58 PM

The shooting of the next season of the game Beijing Express, which began in mid-August in Russia, had to be stopped, reports Thursday "Le Parisien". The production did not obtain the necessary authorizations to cross then Mongolia.

The shooting of the next season of the game Beijing Express, which began in August in Russia, had to be stopped, reports Thursday "Le Parisien". The production did not obtain the necessary authorizations to cross then Mongolia.

The filming of the upcoming season of the adventure game Beijing Express in Russia and Mongolia, which put in competition former candidates of the game, is more complicated than expected. According to information from the Parisian, he had to be stopped.

The shooting started well in Russia in mid-August, but the production did not get the necessary authorizations to enter Mongolia, one of the countries that had to go through the candidates before going to Kazakhstan and China. The pairs were therefore repatriated to Paris.

A resumption of filming at the end of September

However, M6 told the Parisian that the filming should resume, surely in late September or early October. Too bad if the candidates already know their destination!