Teller Report

The business of renting fake friends to go on vacation and pose on instagram

8/29/2019, 11:38:15 PM

There are people who cannot or do not want to be alone. And much less appear like this on social networks. The last solution? Hire friends over the Internet and show off the most popul

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There are people who cannot or do not want to be alone. And much less appear like this on social networks. The last solution? Hire friends through the Internet and show off the most popular place on instagram, facebook and company. To do this, different applications are already available whose objective is to find people to carry out all kinds of activities with them: from going on a cruise or on vacation to an exotic country, walking in the park of your city on any given morning or going to the cinema Sunday afternoon.

Of course, they have nothing to do with Tinder or similar : the proposals have no sexual connotation, just find company. And of course, the next step is none other than to show off your varied and large network friendships, no matter how false they may be. If not, for what? This is what websites and apps like Rent a friend grant, Bla Bla Friend, Rent a local friend and Ameego , known this latest application as the "Uber of friends" and perfect for a night out in any city you are in.

Different websites allow you to hire friends for hours.

It also serves to hire a boyfriend or girlfriend once a week, for example, just the day you have to go to eat at the parents' house and pretend that you have a relationship. "With Uber you can rent a car; with Airbnb, a house and with Ameego, a person to be a companion on the trip you decide to make," summarizes the American Clay Kohut, creator of the application, free for both iOS and Android

From 10 euros per hour

For its part, Rentafriend, is available in almost 50 Spanish cities, so when you travel to them you can download it and contact your future new best friend for between 10 and 50 euros per hour , to which you have to add another 20 to sign up and 20 more per month. The web also works in countries like the United States, Chile, Mexico or Brazil, so you already know what your next vacation destinations may be if the idea is to travel alone.

Members of Cuddle up to me, specialized in selling hugs.

BlaBlaFriend, meanwhile, is promoted like this: "Rent a friend to attend a social event, accompany you to a wedding or go to a party. Hire someone to introduce you to new people or someone to go to the movies or to a restaurant. Hire a friend to show you a new city, teach you a new skill / hobby, or just someone to keep you company . "

After registering, you choose the profile of the companion that best suits you, which you will have from five euros per hour, although you can also negotiate with them or even many waive the rate depending on the activity to be performed. On the web they make it clear, of course, that "it is NOT a dating website, nor an escort agency." To communicate with them, just do it through your phone or send a message through the anonymous messaging system of BlaBlaFriend. In addition, photos and profiles of friends can be viewed for free.

Hire a whole family

If the idea is to rent a complete family , you can also do it through websites like In Japan, for example, this type of initiative triumphs to the point of inspiring films such as Family Romance LLC , by German director Werner Herzog and presented successfully at the Cannes Film Festival, which analyzes the widespread Japanese practice of renting relatives to impersonate a family member.

The Family Romance website looks for you even a family.

It is also used to take women to the altar on their wedding day, to attend a public event, just chat or even appear as a friend of the soul on instagram. The price of the service by these actors is about 60 euros for two hours of photo shoot. If you want to be accompanied to a wedding, the cost can reach 250 euros.

Moreover, the trend reaches the limit of renting people to give you a fatherly advice, take a walk to chat for a while or a hug from two euros the achuchón. Websites like Cuddle up to me, People Walker or The Snuggery. What will be next?

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