Teller Report

Still alive .. The birth of a Syrian child with four eyes and two mouths!

8/29/2019, 9:35:33 AM

Abu Qalqal hospital east of the city of Manbij in Syria witnessed the birth of a child with four eyes and a man, according to Syrian media sources, the news agency "Hawar" Kurdish. The doctor supervising the case in a hospital in the city of Manbij that the probability of such a case of one out of a million births, adding that the body of

Abu Qalqal hospital east of the city of Manbij in Syria witnessed the birth of a child with four eyes and a man, according to Syrian media sources, the news agency "Hawar" Kurdish.

The doctor in charge of the case in a hospital in Manbij city that the probability of such a case of one out of a million births, adding that the child's body is healthy, but the bones of the skull and head protrude four eyes and a man, and the head is spherical.

The doctor said: "Although the child is still alive, but he does not breastfeed, expressing regret that such cases do not survive, and predicted the possibility of survival alive for no more than a week.

The doctor commented that such cases result from several reasons, including the repulsion of cliques between spouses, genetic causes such as trisomy, a lack of folic acid known as (B9), diabetes in pregnant women, and exposure to high temperatures.

According to the doctor, the parents of the child were aware of the deformation of the child in the ecological images, but they insisted on the completion of birth and retention of the fetus, noting that the level of medical education in the community, especially in women and the need to undergo medical surveillance in the first pregnancy and until birth.