Teller Report

Statement issued by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation

8/29/2019, 7:29:15 PM

In response to the statement of the Yemeni Foreign Ministry, the United Arab Emirates affirmed that it reserves the right to defend itself and respond to threats against the Arab Coalition forces.

In response to the statement of the Yemeni Foreign Ministry, the United Arab Emirates affirmed its right to defend itself and respond to threats against the Arab Coalition forces. According to the rules of engagement based on the Geneva Convention and international humanitarian law, on 28 and 29 August 2019, the ministry said in a statement that the targeting was based on field information confirming that the militias target the elements of the mother coalition The strikes were carried out specifically.

The statement pointed out that the coalition forces were targeted by armed groups led by elements of terrorist organizations that attacked the Arab coalition forces at Aden airport, which resulted in the injury of two elements of the coalition forces, and the right of self-defense was used to protect the forces and ensure their security. Armed groups and targeted.

The statement stressed that the state will not hesitate to protect the Arab coalition forces when necessary and reserves the right to respond and self-defense.

The statement pointed out that the intelligence services have spotted in recent weeks terrorist cells began to operate in Yemeni areas, which effectively threatens the great efforts by the coalition to eliminate the threat of terrorism in Yemen as well as efforts to counter the Houthi militias, which is the largest beneficiary of the spread of chaos and terrorist organizations .

The statement noted the UAE's deep concern over the situation and tension in southern Yemen, calling on the international community to act to ensure that terrorist organizations do not exploit the current situation and return to the Yemeni arena strongly to carry out terrorist attacks.

The statement pointed to the success of the Arab coalition during the past years in confronting terrorist organizations in Yemen, especially Al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula, which is one of the most dangerous international organizations, where the coalition succeeded in reducing the danger of the organization very significantly.