Teller Report

Light massage helps to treat growth pain

8/29/2019, 10:11:23 PM

The German Association of Pediatric and Adolescent Physicians has indicated that the child may sometimes complain of leg pain during the night or evening, which may be known as growth pains. To treat such pain, the German Association recommended a light massage of the thighs and calf muscles.

The German Association of Pediatricians and Adolescents has indicated that the child may sometimes complain of leg pain during the night or evening, which may be known as growth pains.To treat such pain, the German Association recommended a light massage of the thighs and calf muscles. Cold or hot warm baths may help relieve symptoms.

The German Association explained that the places where the child complains are mostly the front of the thighs, legs, knees and calf muscles, and there are indications that increased physical activity during the day causes the emergence of growth pain at night, despite the fact that children did not show any of Symptoms During exercise, doctors always recommend rest periods during exercise and avoid loading on one side of the body as much as possible.

If a child complains of pain, sweating at night, swelling, fever, nausea, skin changes, or weight loss, there may be other reasons. These are not typical symptoms of growth pain.

To rule out other diseases, such as rheumatism or bacterial infections, parents should consult a doctor after a week or two at the latest.