Teller Report

Crossing the Channel: Paris and London discussed a "British financial support"

8/29/2019, 9:07:58 PM

Crossing the Channel: Paris and London discussed a "British financial support"

Paris (AFP)

Christophe Castaner and his British counterpart Priti Patel on Thursday referred to "the possibility of British financial support" to France to "curb" crossings of the Channel by migrants, which has been increasing strongly since the beginning of the year, announced the French Ministry of the Interior.

These attempts to cross into the United Kingdom have "gained momentum" since last October and their number was still "significant" during the summer, said the ministry in a statement issued after the meeting between the two ministers to Paris.

According to official figures, since the beginning of 2019, there have been twice as many people who have tried their luck, usually on small boats, than in the whole of 2018.

A new financial effort from London would serve to "strengthen the patrols engaged and improve efficiency," said Christophe Castaner, quoted in the statement. This possible financial contribution, which will be examined "in two weeks" and the amount is not specified, would be added to the 7 million euros already committed by the British in January for the acquisition of monitoring equipment.

"France has, like the United Kingdom, interest in curbing the phenomenon of irregular crossing of the Channel," said the Minister of the Interior, noting that the two countries signed an agreement in January to fight against these crossings after the establishment of a "national action plan".

In recent months, says Beauvau, "ten sectors specialized in sea crossings have been dismantled."

Christophe Castaner and Priti Patel, newly appointed Minister of the Interior in the government of Boris Johnson, "have agreed (...) to strengthen the coordination of the British and French investigative services for the dismantling of smuggler channels," adds Beauvau.

In 2018, 586 migrants tried to cross the English Channel, during 78 attempts, according to the figures of the maritime prefecture of the Channel and the North Sea. Since 1 January 2019, there have been nearly 160 attempts, for some 1,500 migrants intercepted. The most desperate attempt to swim across the strait about 30 kilometers wide at its narrowest point.

On Wednesday again, the maritime prefecture announced that it had rescued 25 migrants from Calais, including three children, who were trying to reach England aboard a RIB.

© 2019 AFP