Teller Report

Completion of the relocation of women and children strollers in the Dubai Metro

8/29/2019, 10:09:52 PM

Dubai's Roads and Transport Authority (RTA) has completed a two-month relocation of women and children on current trains by the end of August.

Dubai's Roads and Transport Authority (RTA) has announced the completion of a two-month relocation of women and children on current trains by the end of August. The other is from the metro.

Mohammed Yousef Al Mazharb, Director of Rail Operations Department at the TRA, said: “The plan to change the location of women and children carriages in Dubai Metro included three phases. In the third phase, the relocation of women and children carts was completed. Children in Dubai, the current metro trains ». Al Mazharb added that the RTA is paying close attention to the comfort of Dubai Metro passengers, especially women and children. The Metro seeks to use booths dedicated to women and children in its new locations, where the Authority seeks to ensure privacy, comfort and well-being for them in the framework of observing the customs and traditions of the community.