Teller Report

A 17th-century cross was found during excavations in the center of Moscow

8/29/2019, 7:14:03 AM

A cross of the late 17th century depicting Sergius of Radonezh was found during excavations near the Zaryadye park in Moscow.

“A crucifix is ​​carved on its front side, and on the back there is a figure of one of the most revered saints of the Russian Orthodox Church,” the message said on the official portal of the mayor and the government of Moscow.

It is noted that the cross is well preserved to this day.

On one of the blades of the cross visible repair marks - a piece of metal wire fastening broken parts.

On August 22, it was reported that during the excavations near Gogolevsky Boulevard, artifacts of the 18th century were found.

Also, “New Sevastopol”, citing the press service of the Tauric Chersonesos Museum, presented the results of the field season of the South Crimean archaeological expedition of the State Hermitage.