Teller Report

"Orleans": "I will not ban the novel, but we will rectify", says the lawyer Moix family

8/29/2019, 9:34:59 AM

"We are against censorship, his parents have too much respect for the literature", said Emmanuel Pierrat, a lawyer for the Moix family, on Thursday in Europe 1. & nbsp;

"We are against censorship, his parents have too much respect for literature," said Emmanuel Pierrat, lawyer for the Moix family, Thursday on Europe 1.


"There is an obvious commercial transaction, a buzz wanted around a scandal that concerns his own family", laments Emmanuel Pierrat. Philippe Vandel 's guest on Europe 1 Thursday, Yann Moix' s family lawyer has come back to the writer 's controversy with his father and his brother about his latest novel, Orléans . The story, which tells of a childhood he said was unhappy and abused, is hotly contested by his clients.

"More a novel but a book to load"

"The difficulty is that Yann Moix could have kept a literary gesture," says the lawyer. "We know a lot of novelists who have inspired themselves, to get away from it, various facts, personalities, public figures, characters from their families ....", he continues, quoting, pell-mell, " Anatole France "," Jules Verne ", and" Christine Angot ". "There are people who are very distant, who do not describe precisely, others who describe give names, marks, addresses, streets.The courts are sorting."

"It would have been like the novel, we would not be there, but from the moment he went in Seven to Eight it was no longer a novel but a book, addresses and family names, we moved to another register ", supports the council.

"Their wish is to see their truth restored"

Yann Moix's father described his son's story as "fabulous," while his brother claims that the writer himself was the executioner and accused him of "sacrificing reality on the altar of his literary ambitions. ". But what can they do against this presentation of the facts? "Simenon (Georges, the Belgian author, ed ) has paid the price," Emmanuel Pierrat compares. "He described in Pedigree the abuse he would have suffered at the boarding school when he was in Belgium, a teenager, his old comrades went on, showed that it was wrong, they won and got the ban on this book."

"It's not the wish of Yann Moix's parents," says the lawyer. "Their wish is to see their truth restored, their voices heard.There is a simpler way, which is to insert a statement in the book.We are against censorship, his parents have too much respect for literature. (...) I will not ban the novel, however we will rectify.