Teller Report

This is the worst "blood group" and its owners rarely have children

8/28/2019, 6:29:26 AM

Experts from Harvard University published the results of comprehensive and in-depth studies, writing in the title: "Yes .. Your blood type affects your health." The article addressed the blood groups in humans, and proved that the most dangerous blood type is AB - negative, pointing out that 8% of people They have such a family of blood on their hands

Experts from Harvard University in the United States published the results of comprehensive and in-depth studies, wrote in the title: "Yes .. Your blood type affects your health."

The article dealt with the blood groups of humans, and proved that the most dangerous blood group is AB - negative, pointing out that 8% of people have such blood group on the ground, rarely have children, and if they do so they are of the same sex. There are very rare cases of childbirth of both sexes.

Scientists note that women who carry this blood group are more likely to develop cancer.

Scientists at the University of Vermont have conducted blood group experiments and have shown that people with negative AB (IV) Rh blood type rhesus are at risk of brain changes, especially in thinking and memory.

The scientists confirmed that people who carry this family are more likely to develop dementia by 82%, and stroke .. The most likely reason that the immune system in these people is weak; therefore they can develop diseases of all who communicate with them.

To this, doctor Alexei Portnov, an expert in blood diseases, advises everyone who carries this family of blood to follow a healthy diet and correct, and refrain from eating fatty foods and butter.