Teller Report

The Parliament called on to investigate the theft of state funds by the previous government

8/28/2019, 9:56:03 PM

Vadim Rabinovich, co-chair of the Opposition Platform - For Life party, called for the creation of a commission in the Verkhovna Rada to investigate the theft of state funds by the previous government.

It is reported by 112 Ukraine.

“To create a commission of inquiry on the criminal activities of the Poroshenko group. Because we somehow postponed it, and that was what you said at the election race - please, let's put this issue into the question of the day, ”he said.

In turn, the chairman of the preparatory deputy group, the deputy from the party "Servant of the People" Dmitry Razumkov noted that only a formed parliament can create such a commission.

Earlier, party leader and President of Ukraine Vladimir Zelensky called the fight against corruption one of the priorities of the authorities after the parliamentary elections.

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