Teller Report

New York: the death of the chef, scouring the area's ATMs

8/28/2019, 5:59:03 PM

The police chasing the prostitute's accomplices

  • Death of chef Cipriani Dolci, a woman arrested
  • Chef dead in New York, prosecutor of Lodi opens an investigation file
  • New York, found dead chef of the restaurant "Cipriani Dolci" Andrea Zamperoni


August 28, 2019The hunt for the protector and drug dealer of Angelina Barini, the prostitute arrested for the death of Andrea Zamperoni, the Italian chef of Cipriani Dolci, continues.

Investigators are beating the available tracks to track them down and identify any other people belonging to the woman's circle, who in the meantime remain in prison on charges of providing Zamperini with the lethal dose of fentanyl. Pending the complete toxicological examination on the victim, the investigators are examining the footage of some ATMs not far from the Kamway Lodge: according to rumors, in fact, an American Express credit card headed to Zamperoni would have been used to make withdrawals in the neighboring area where the chef was found. Images that could provide indications on the wanted, of which Barini did not want to name.

Confessing that she was the one who procured the drug, Barini pointed the finger at her protector who forbade her to call the police for Zamperoni and talked about other men in her room. It is to them that investigators want to arrive to clarify the death of the chef and two other finished men, according to the police, in the Barini network and died of fentanyl poisoning. One of these is Jean-Alessandro Silvero, who died in a motel on 11 July last. The mother, Norrelle Silvero, describes the death of her son at the hands of a prostitute as a "nightmare. It is difficult for a mother to have an event like this slammed in her face." The identity of the third victim was not disclosed, but it would be Jesus Rosario. The man was found dead on July 4 in a motel in Astoria, Queens.

The shots recorded by the cameras of the structure have taken a woman very similar to Barini leaving the motel about 90 minutes before the man was found dead.

Meanwhile, the Zamperoni family awaits the return of the body to Italy, expected tomorrow. He does it in pain, as it transpires from Marzia, a friend of Oriella Ave Dosi, the chef's killed mother: "What people say and think here in the village, even after it became known how he died, is that Andrea is a victim ".