Teller Report

Mysterious disease in American vapers: must we be afraid of the electronic cigarette?

8/28/2019, 10:08:26 AM

At the microphone of Europe 1, Jean-Michel Delille, psychiatrist and president of the Federation of addictology, returns on the pulmonary insufficiencies which hit numerous vapoteurs in Illinois. & Nbsp;

At the microphone of Europe 1, Jean-Michel Delille, psychiatrist and president of the Federation of Addictology, reviews the pulmonary deficiencies that hit many vapers in Illinois.


The death in Illinois, at the end of August, of an adult who was vaping and had symptoms similar to those of severe pulmonary insufficiency casts doubt over the virtues of the electronic cigarette. Nearly 200 other patients, also vaping enthusiasts, would suffer from similar symptoms, according to US authorities who have yet to identify the exact cause of this mysterious lung disease. Many patients, however, have admitted to using their electronic cigarette to consume marijuana.

For Jean-Michel Delille, psychiatrist and president of the Federation of addictology, "the use of adulterated substance, including derivatives of cannabis oil", offers the only valid explanation to understand "this catastrophic evolution, with respiratory insufficiency major "of the health status of these patients, often in their twenties. "The oil prevents exchanges with oxygen, which is why these respiratory deficiencies, with obstructive bronchopneumopathies, such as those seen in very heavy smokers," explains, at the microphone of Julien Pearce on Europe 1, this specialist, who himself went to Illinois.

Unlike a conventional cigarette, the principle of which is that of combustion, vaping consists in inhaling vapors created by the heating at a very high temperature of a specific liquid, containing more or less nicotine, and that the user charges in his electronic cigarette. The use of an oily liquid, initially intended to be burned, in a steam production system, has thus been able to cause the dissemination of fine droplets of oil into the lungs of consumers.

A confusion of uses related to the legalization of recreational cannabis

"The fact that vaping is developing massively among young people has led to this confusion of uses, which have proven to be particularly dangerous," says Jean-Michel Delille. "This kind of product is circulating in some states of the United States because of the legalization of recreational cannabis.The cannabis oil is starting to be available, except that it is not intended to be vaping", notes t -he.

"From my point of view, it does not call into question the principle of vaping and its benefits, but it reminds us that we should not vapot anything, especially uncontrolled substances", insists Jean-Michel Delille.

In late July, the WHO insisted in a report on the "undoubtedly" harmful nature of the electronic cigarette, calling for a regulation of the uses. For its part, the president of the Federation of Addictology reminds us that it is one of the first causes of the decline in smoking in France, and especially "the best tool available in terms of reducing the risks associated with smoking. smoking. "