Teller Report

In LPR opened an additional point of reception of documents for Russian citizenship

8/28/2019, 10:56:03 PM

In the center of public relations (DSP) of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the self-proclaimed Lugansk People’s Republic, they reported that in the city of Petrovskoye they opened an additional reception center for documents for obtaining Russian citizenship.

“The LPR Ministry of Internal Affairs, together with the administration of the city of Krasny Luch, made a decision to open an additional document reception center for citizenship of the Russian Federation in order to create more comfortable conditions for citizens,” RIA Novosti reports.

On July 17, Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a decree allowing residents of all regions of Donbass to obtain Russian citizenship in a simplified mode.

The head of the Commission on Migration Policy of the Presidential Human Rights Council, Yevgeny Bobrov, in an interview with the NSN, commented on the issuance of Russian passports in the Donbass.