Teller Report

Hurricanes: Dorian cat. 1; 3 in Florida

8/28/2019, 9:16:57 PM

11.00pm The tropical storm Dorian became a Category 1 hurricane while traveling to Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands. For meteorologists at weekends it could arrive in Florida as a category 3. Currently Dorian is supported by winds that exceed 120 km / h. Trump declared a state of emergency for the US territory island and tweeted: "We closely monitor the tropical storm Dorian as he travels, as usual, to Puerto Rico." He praises the work of Fema, the US equivalent of civil protection.


28 August 201923.00 Tropical storm Dorian has become a Category 1 hurricane while traveling to Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands. For meteorologists at weekends it could arrive in Florida as a category 3. Currently Dorian is supported by winds that exceed 120 km / h. Trump declared a state of emergency for the US territory island and tweeted: "We closely monitor the tropical storm Dorian as he travels, as usual, to Puerto Rico." He praises the work of Fema, the US equivalent of civil protection.