Teller Report

Federal Captain on the Racist Attack: "Completely Unacceptable"

8/28/2019, 9:55:57 AM

National team athlete Vanessa Kamga this weekend was subjected to racist bouts during Finnkampen. Now the union captain, Karin Torneklint, announces that a possible police report will only be made after consultation with the National Sports Federation and Vanessa himself. - We will not report to the police unless Vanessa herself wants to, and right now she does not feel it, Torneklint tells SVT Sport.

When Vanessa Kamga was looking for her teammates at the stand, a man appeared and confronted her with racist slurs. Something Kamga shared on her Instagram yesterday.

- She wants to tell her what she was up to and she was very shocked and scared when it happened. It took a day before she really felt she wanted to tell, says Torneklint, who was in contact with Kamga during the day.

How do you view the event?

- That's terrible. You get angry and upset that people behave this way. It is totally unacceptable.

Will you go ahead and make a police report?

- We talked a little about it. We don't really know right now whether we are the one who should report to the police or how we should proceed. I was going to contact RF's (Riksidrottsförbundet) lawyers today and investigate what you can do and what they think we as a union should do. She herself has not thought about it and I have said that we will not do anything unless she wants to.

Is there any additional support for her?

- I talked to her today and asked if she wanted any kind of support, someone to talk to or something else. Right now, she didn't feel she didn't need it.