Teller Report

Criminologist: Increased fatal gang violence may be due to a standard shift

8/28/2019, 8:35:09 PM

The deadly violence among criminals in Sweden is increasing according to the Crime Prevention Council. According to criminologist Manne Gerell, there are no simple answers to this development, but a thesis that may partly explain the increase is a norm shift in the criminal environment. - When some people start using automatic weapons, explosives or hand grenades, the others have to follow suit.

According to the Crime Prevention Council (BRÃ…), the deadly violence in the criminal environment has increased since 2012 and moved outdoors to streets and squares. Violence in this type of environment is now twice as common as in the 1990s.

According to Manne Gerell, a criminologist at Malmö University, there are no simple answers as to why the deadly violence in Sweden is increasing. One thesis that can reasonably explain the development is a standard shift and cutting armor in the criminal environment, says Manne Gerell.

- In these environments, violent capital is quite important. To be able to make money and establish yourself in that environment, then you need to practice some violence or at least experience it. When some people then start using automatic weapons, explosives or hand grenades, the others must follow suit, says Manne Gerell in SVT Aktuellt.

Rapid efforts factor in solving several crimes

Manne Gerell highlights rapid police efforts as a factor in successfully solving crimes within the Swedish gang criminal environment.

- Research has been able to show that one success factor that seems to be associated with increased clarity is that you have quick actions such as house searches of victims or door knocks and that it goes quickly and that you are offensive in the initial stages of the investigation, he says.

According to Gerell, the police have problems in that there are usually several cases that come within a short time.

- Then the police do not have enough staff who can be out quickly and do these measures. There, the police need more resources but also change their organization and working methods.