Teller Report

Bruno Salomone on his new show: "A Black Mirror comedy version"

8/28/2019, 4:08:03 PM

In & quot; The Wild Team & quot; on Europe 1, & nbsp; Bruno Salomone delivers the details of his new show.

In "L'Equipée sauvage" on Europe 1, Bruno Salomone delivers the details of his new show.


Bruno Salomone goes on tour with a new show, The show of the future . As usual, the actor goes through dozens of characters and a fictional story to cause laughter, he who has always kept away from the kind of stand-up, as he tells the microphone of Europe 1 Wednesday, in The wild crew .

"Through my characters, I can put valves and flow"

With the show of the future , Bruno Salomone imagines a television show that questions current drifts. "A kind of Black Mirror (comic series, ed ) comedy version," he summarizes. On stage, he plays several characters. A humorous furrow he has always wanted to keep, far from the American stand-up. "I love the genre and I'm a fan, but in French, it sounds less good," he says. "For me, the comedy must be as musical and through my characters, I can put valves and flow," he summarizes.

"We always tell ourselves indirectly"

No question, either, to make laugh with anecdotes of his life, or taken from everyday life. Bruno Salomone's shows are always based on a story. "You really have to have an exceptional life to tell it," he jokes. "After, we always tell each other indirectly," he concedes, "and I use the little moments of my life and I shove them, but it puffs me up when I see others tell their lives." On tour throughout France, Bruno Salomone will begin his series of shows in Nice, before going to Marseille.