Teller Report

A unified internal row against aggression .. Is the strike of Hezbollah is imminent?

8/28/2019, 7:01:57 PM

Afif Diab-Beirut

A cautious calm lingers along the Lebanese border with Israel, and in their villages and towns adjacent to the border, the Lebanese continue to live their lives relatively normal, at a time when the movement of Israeli military vehicles, which has been observed by the residents around the clock, has declined.

The escalating tension between Israel and Hezbollah since Saturday evening has not changed much in the daily details of the population but waiting for the implementation of Hezbollah to pledge its Secretary General Hassan Nasrallah to respond.

Nasrallah threatened to retaliate for the fall of the two drones in the southern suburbs of Beirut and the previous fall of an Israeli raid targeting a party house in Aqraba near the Syrian capital of Damascus and the killing of two of its fighters, and the aerial bombardment of a position of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine General Command, near the village of Qusaya on the border with Syria. .

Some of the effects of an Israeli drone attack on a Hezbollah center in Beirut a few days ago (Reuters)

Along with this calm, especially in the south of Lebanon, and waiting for Hezbollah's response, political contacts in Beirut intensified to curb the Israeli escalation.

The promise of victory
The official harmony emerged in the unity of the general political position regarding the Israeli aggressions, which Parliament Speaker Nabih Berri considered as "the first signs of victory at the level of national unity."

This harmony was complemented by a position issued by the emergency meeting of the Supreme Defense Council, which affirmed the right of the Lebanese to self-defense by all means against any attack, preceded by a position of the Government strongly condemning these Israeli attacks in conjunction with contacts made by its President Saad Hariri with heads of diplomatic missions operating in Lebanon.

Israeli concrete wall separates from Lebanese territory in Al-Adisah (Al-Jazeera)

He also called on their countries to put pressure on Israel to stop its aggression and violation of resolution 1701. This was also demanded in his telephone conversation with Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov, hoping for Moscow's intervention to curb Israel and stop its violation of the international resolution.

Hizbullah satisfaction
Hezbollah found in the unity of the Lebanese official position against the Israeli escalation, added value, according to those close to him, protect his back at home if military matters escalated by Israel after the expected response to its attacks in the suburb of Beirut and near Damascus, and rolling towards a large-scale military confrontation.

In this context, political analyst Michel Abu Najim said that Israel is implementing any internal fragmentation and is trying to exploit the Lebanese contradictions, adding that the current official position showed a contradictory view of the division of the July 2006 war, which closes the Israeli entity any outlets to increase its pressure and terror on the elements of the strength of Lebanon .

Abu Najm adds to Al Jazeera Net that "the strength of Lebanon from its defensive power, a new saying highlighted by Lebanese solidarity in the face of Israel, and is effective because it covers the traditional power vacuum that has made Lebanon and the Levant countries in the past."

He expressed his belief that "the strength of Lebanon today helps protect its sovereignty and natural resources," and that "all internal contradictions must remain secondary to the unity of the situation in the face of an aggressive entity is the root cause of our tragedies."

Aqeel: Hizbullah's response date will be before Israeli parliamentary elections
Response timing
What will Hizbullah do after winning a unified official position after the recent Israeli attacks? Journalist Rizwan Aqil says the almost certain information that Hezbollah's "strike" is inevitable is irreversible.

He adds to Al-Jazeera Net that a political decision issued by the leadership of Hezbollah must respond to Israel, and that it became the custody of the leadership of the resistance, which is waiting for the right opportunity to deal a blow to the Israeli occupation forces.

Akil believes that the date for Hezbollah's response will be before the Israeli parliamentary elections on September 17, "because of this negative repercussions on Benjamin Netanyahu."