Teller Report

US Department of State approves sale of $ 3.3 billion missile defense system to Japan

8/27/2019, 11:01:57 PM

The US State Department has approved a deal to sell Japan 73 missile defense system missiles in the amount of $ 3.29 billion, according to the Pentagon’s Defense and Security Cooperation Agency.

In particular, it is planned to sell SM-3 Block IIA interceptor missiles and Mk-29 launchers for them.

According to the agency, this deal will strengthen US foreign policy and national security by increasing the defense capability of a "major ally" in the Asia-Pacific region.

“For US national interests, it is vital to help Japan develop and maintain a strong and effective self-defense potential. The proposed sale will increase the potential of Japan’s missile defense to protect its territory and the American troops stationed there, ”the RIA Novosti statement said.

It is noted that this step will not affect the military balance in the region.