Teller Report

The expert: "Crossed a border"

8/27/2019, 7:44:03 PM

The woman was murdered on the open street with her child in her arms. The neighborhood was full of witnesses and the police have their eyes on Sweden. "This is the most important murder to solve for the police in Malmö for the last 10 years, it has a tremendous signal value," says Joakim Palmkvist, journalist and author.

In terms of statistics, this type of murder is extremely uncommon, says Joakim Palmkvist, journalist and writer. He has long examined gang violence in Malmö.

If someone from the lower world has chosen to end a woman's life, then it should be considered extremely unusual, he notes.

- It is a border that you have crossed. There has long been a kind of code of honor. This is so admirable that I think even people in the underworld could share what they have heard. There is nothing I know they should do, but if it should ever happen, it is now.

"Can lead to new acts of violence"

There is now a risk that the violence will escalate, he believes.

- The fact that being shot can lead to new acts of violence. The risk is that criminals react, that they are easier to take on weapons and bulletproof vests and resort to violence, in completely different conflicts - even though the crime may not have anything to do with them.

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