Teller Report

Military cooperation, Syria and the Turkish Stream: what Putin and Erdogan talked about during the negotiations on the fields of MAKS-2019

8/27/2019, 5:53:03 PM

Russian President Vladimir Putin held talks with his Turkish counterpart Recep Tayyip Erdogan on the sidelines of the MAKS 2019 Aviation and Space Salon. During the meeting, the leaders touched upon issues of military cooperation, settlement in Syria and economic partnership. So, the heads of state discussed the possibility of joint production of Su-57 and Su-35 fighters, and Putin said that the Turkish Stream gas pipeline would be launched before the end of the year.

Russian President Vladimir Putin and his Turkish counterpart Recep Tayyip Erdogan held talks on the sidelines of the MAKS 2019 aerospace show. Among the issues on the international agenda was a discussion of a settlement in Syria.

“When considering current international issues, the key attention, of course, was paid to the situation in Syria. Russia and Turkey closely interact in the Astana format with the participation of Iran. In our opinion, such a format is the most effective mechanism for resolving the Syrian crisis, ”Putin said during the final press conference.

He also said that a summit will be held in September in Ankara with the participation of leaders of the guarantor countries of the Astana process. According to Putin, during negotiations with Erdogan, the Russian and Turkish sides managed to work out joint measures to neutralize the terrorists.

  • Turkish military in Syria
  • Reuters
  • © Khalil Ashawi

“We have many opportunities”

Vladimir Putin told reporters that they also discussed possible cooperation in the field of military aircraft.

“We talked about cooperation on the Su-35 and on the possible work even on the new Su-57,” the Russian president said. “We have many opportunities, we have demonstrated new weapons systems and new electronic warfare systems.”

According to Putin, the systems presented at the MAKS interested the Turkish delegation. Moreover, they are determined not only to acquire, but also to develop joint production, the head of the Russian state emphasized.

“By the way, are we ready for this?” and in certain areas we will now actively discuss, ”Putin added.

The fact that Turkey is interested in creating joint production of military equipment with Russia, Erdogan confirmed. He admitted that such cooperation could affect military aircraft.

Note that at the MAKS-2019, the products of the Russian military-industrial complex were widely presented. Also, the Su-57, Su-34, Su-35 and MiG-35 took part in the flight program. Civil aviation was represented by SSJ-100 aircraft and the promising medium-range MC-21, for which the first demonstration flight took place as part of the air show.

Note that earlier countries concluded an agreement on the supply of four divisions of the Russian S-400 complexes.

The first batch was delivered from July 12 to 25. On Tuesday, August 27, deliveries of the second batch began. This was first reported by the Turkish Ministry of Defense, and then in a conversation with Erdogan, Vladimir Putin said. Note that part of the production of these complexes is carried out by Ankara.

It also became known that the Turkish military from September 1 will begin to learn how to handle these complexes.

“From September 1, the training of Turkish soldiers begins, ending at the end of the year, January 2 is the planned date for graduation. After that, the Republic of Turkey will be able to use the S-400 system for its intended purpose, ”said Jan Novikov, general director of the Almaz-Antey concern.

According to Erdogan, deliveries of the second batch will be completed in September.

“One of the most important steps in relations with Russia is joint production, there was a lot of gossip on this topic, but we did not pay the slightest attention to them, now the second stage is underway on the S-400. As you know, this will continue until the end of September, ”he said.


Speaking about economic cooperation, leaders raised the issue of launching the Turkish Stream gas pipeline. As President Putin said, the Turks will receive gas through it before the end of this year, after which a second branch will be launched - already for further transit to Europe.

“According to the schedule, the construction of the Turkish Stream is underway. We presume that by the end of the year Russian gas will begin to flow to Turkish consumers. And after increasing the capacity of the Turkish Stream through the second branch, deliveries will be made in transit to Europe through the territory of Turkey, ”he said.

The head of state noted the interest of Russian tourists in Turkish resorts.

“Turkey is very popular among Russian tourists. Last year, about six million of our citizens rested in Turkish resorts. We appreciate the attention that the Turkish authorities devote to the safety and comfort of Russians in their country, ”Putin said.

And this year, a record may be set at all, President Erdogan admitted.

“God forbid, this year we will have a new record in tourism,” he said. “The number of Russian tourists in the first six months of this year is 2.7 million.”

The first Turkish astronaut

Cooperation between Russia and Turkey is also possible in the space sector. This was stated by the head of "Roskosmos" Dmitry Rogozin. He noted that Moscow is ready to share relevant technologies

“Relations with Turkey in the space sector are extremely important. It is absolutely logical that such relations should develop in outer space. Today with Turkish colleagues we discussed a variety of options for cooperation, ”the official said.

Rogozin also proposed the first flight of the Turkish astronaut to the centennial of the Turkish Republic, which the country will celebrate in 2023. Erdogan supported this initiative.

“We will join your sacred work, so to speak. Once again I want to express gratitude from my entire nation. Thank you so much for the work done, ”he said.

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