Teller Report

Google is accused of manipulating search results for its services

8/27/2019, 7:38:15 PM

Several European job search sites have complained to the EU Competition Commissioner to ask Google to withdraw its job insertion tool from search results, according to Reuters reports.

The complaint, made by 23 sites, including Best Job Online in the UK, Intermedia and the German Index Index, says Google is pushing users towards its job search service by placing it at the top of the search results and pushing its pages down.

There are also fears that in the future Google will show ads on the search tool, and the search giant can hide the positions of competing jobs completely.

Google launched the tool two years ago, and has faced numerous complaints from competitors who claim to oppose biased behavior by the company.

The complaint comes just over two years after Google was fined a record € 2.4 billion (about $ 2.6 billion) for manipulating search results to prioritize its shopping comparison service.

Europe warns Google
The Commissioner for the European Competition Unit Margaret Vestger expressed concern about the possibility of Google practices against its competitors in other regions.

"We are now investigating whether the same has happened with other parts of Google's business, such as the job search activity, known as Google for Job," Wester told a Berlin conference.

She said the European Commission could adopt rules to curb technology giants if they did not play fairly.

“There is also a broader problem for our communities: whether it is appropriate for companies like Google and others to control the success or failure of other companies, and to be free to use this power in any way they want?”

The European Commissioner considers that she needs to regulate the work of these companies, to ensure that these platforms use their authority in a fair and non-discriminatory manner.