Teller Report

Cars in the wrong direction on the A10, 5 injured

8/27/2019, 7:17:26 PM

21.05 Five injured people, 4 vehicles involved in an accident occurred on the A10 Autostrada dei Fiori, in the direction of France in the San Bartolomeo Gallery 2. Causing the accident, a car driven by a 78-year-old Italian, who was traveling in traffic. Two heavy goods vehicles also involved. The wounded were stabilized and carried in yellow and green code at the Imperia hospital.


27 August 201921.05 Five injured people, 4 vehicles involved in an accident occurred on the A10 Autostrada dei Fiori, in the direction of France in the San Bartolomeo Gallery 2. Causing the accident, a car driven by a 78-year-old Italian, who was traveling in traffic. Two heavy goods vehicles also involved. The wounded were stabilized and carried in yellow and green code at the Imperia hospital.