Teller Report

Bolsonaro is changing - wants help to put out the Amazon fires

8/27/2019, 11:08:14 PM

Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro now turns around and says the country wants to receive all the financial aid offered from abroad to assist in the extinguishing work in the fires that are raging in the Amazon. But only on the condition that you are allowed to control how the money is to be used.

"The Brazilian government through President Bolsonaro is open to receiving financial support from organizations and even countries," said Presidential Spokesperson Otávio Rêgo Barros.

"The key point is that these money, when they come to Brazil, should be controlled by the Brazilian people," he continues.

Earlier this week, the G7 countries' leaders decided to donate the equivalent of SEK 235 million to the fire fighting in Brazil's Amazon. Then Brazil said thanks, but no thanks, on the grounds that the G7 leaders, with French President Emmanuel Macron at the head, would stick to their own countries.

But on Tuesday, Bolsonaro opened to discuss the support of the G7 countries, but only about Macron did Bolsonaro apologize.