Teller Report

Arab League: Washington deletes Palestine from its list of "hostile"

8/27/2019, 10:06:01 PM

The Arab League described yesterday the US State Department's decision to remove the name of the Occupied Palestinian Territories or the Palestinian Authority from the definition of territories in the Middle East as a "hostile measure," while Kuwait's representative to the United Nations, Mansour Al-Otaibi, said yesterday that the Israeli attacks

The Arab League called yesterday the US State Department's decision to remove the name of the Occupied Palestinian Territories or the Palestinian Authority from the definition of territories in the Middle East as a "hostile measure." For real peace in the region, while Lebanon confirmed that it is communicating with "influential parties" to avoid escalation from Israel.

In detail, the Arab League declared its categorical rejection of this American action, and confronted it in all international forums, from Washington's decision on Jerusalem to attempts to undermine UNRWA and the foundations of the peace process and resolutions of international legitimacy.

Said Abu Ali, Assistant Secretary-General of the Arab League for Palestine and the occupied Arab territories, said that this resolution is also rejected by the overwhelming majority of countries in the world who expressed their support for Palestinian rights and adherence to the principles of law and international legitimacy.

He pointed to the position of this international majority, which recognizes the Palestinian state and establish full diplomatic relations with it, out of its commitment to the principles of law and justice and to achieving a two-state solution and peace and stability in the Middle East, which is undermined by the US administration with these hostile measures.

He added: «These American actions will not have any realistic or legal impact as it reaffirms the absolute bias to the positions and policies of Israel hostile to the existence and rights of the Palestinian people, and the requirements of achieving a just peace, the entrance to achieve security and stability in the region».

Abu Ali stressed that this new American action will be added to the previous series of isolated and rejected Arab and international measures, adding that it will not affect the determination of the Palestinian people and their leadership, to continue their steadfastness and just struggle to achieve their independence and complete the building of their state with the support and unanimity of the Arab nation.

This comes at a time when the Israeli army announced, yesterday, the targeting of a site of the movement of «Hamas» after monitoring the firing of a rocket from the Gaza Strip on its territory.

"A rocket-propelled grenade was fired from the Gaza Strip towards Israel, where the alarm was activated in an open area only," military spokesman Avichai Adraei said in a statement. No injuries were reported.

In a second statement, Adrai said that «a military aircraft raided a site belonging to Hamas (northern) in the Gaza Strip; in response to the mortar shell».

This comes at a time when Kuwait's delegate to the United Nations, Mansour Al-Otaibi, in a speech to a UN Security Council session on the situation in the Middle East, that the Israeli aggressions are continuing to consecrate the occupation and consolidate its presence. He stressed the Arab countries' adherence to peace, saying: «Arab countries adhere to peace as a strategic choice».

He pointed out that the expansion of the Israeli occupation in the construction of settlements and the displacement of Palestinians and attacks on religious sanctities is a flagrant violation of international resolutions, and an attempt to impose a fait accompli policy.

He called on Israel to stop its repeated violations of Lebanon's sovereignty in reference to the recent Israeli aggressions against Lebanon.

In Beirut, Lebanese Information Minister Jamal al-Jarrah confirmed contacts with "influential parties" to "deter" Israel, noting that the Lebanese government would lodge a complaint with the UN Security Council over the latest Israeli violations of Lebanese sovereignty.

After a meeting of the Lebanese government yesterday, the surgeon said: «Israeli aggression condemned and rejected, and contacts to deter the enemy, and the government will file a complaint to the Security Council».

He explained that the three presidents (President Michel Aoun, Speaker of Parliament Nabih Berri, and Prime Minister Saad Hariri) had communicated with "the regional and international stakeholders regarding the Israeli aggressions."

In a related context, the surgeon confirmed that the National Defense Council will be held today to discuss these developments.

In turn, Prime Minister Saad Hariri refused to violate the sovereignty of Lebanon by Israel, began to mobilize international support for his country, meeting with ambassadors of the five permanent members of the Security Council, and then contact with Russian Foreign Minister, Sergei Lavrov, during which he informed him of Lebanon's dependence on the Russian role to avoid Further escalation, as well as the hope of Lebanon from Russia to send messages to Israel obliging it to stop violating the sovereignty of the country.

The escalation between Israel, Hezbollah and Iran is continuing after the Israeli attack with two drones on areas in the southern suburbs of Lebanon, where all sides showed a willingness to escalate.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has made explicit threats to Hezbollah and Iran after both sides vowed to step up in response to the Israeli attack on the Hezbollah stronghold in the southern suburbs.

Netanyahu said: «I propose to Hassan Nasrallah to calm down .. He knows very well that Israel knows how to defend itself and respond to its enemies, I would like to tell him and the Lebanese state, which embraces the organization that seeks to destroy us, and I say to the Quds Force commander Qasim Soleimani: Be careful In your words, more cautious in your actions ».

Israel has stepped up its overflights over Lebanese territory, coinciding with a verbal escalation by Iran. An Iranian parliament advisor said that "Hezbollah's response to Israel's aggression would be decisive," while the Quds Force commander in the Iranian Revolutionary Guards, Qassem Soleimani, said: "These attacks will be Israel's last flop."

- Kuwait's delegate to the United Nations,

Mansour Al-Otaibi, confirmed that the attacks

Israeli undermines any chance for peace

The real region.